Nina Mullins »

At the end of January, I took a trip to California. I met all kinds of amazing people, and visited some pretty beautiful places. San Francisco was the first stop on my trip. These are just a few shots from my walk around the city.  If you look hard enough, you’ll see Alcatraz, the Golden […]

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  • lynnesy - absolutely beautiful.

  • nicole - gorgeous!

  • Kati Decker - I’m still sad I couldn’t join you ladies!! I was super excited to go then, BAM! Sickness. You’ll have to make another trip out. 🙂

  • kristen wood - Wonderful! Did you take the trolley?

As I’ve shared previously, once upon a time in teenage-land, I lived in Mexico. Toluca, to be exact. Most foreigners have never heard of Toluca. It brings in mostly business people, as it is a largely industrial city (it houses factories like Nestle, Chrysler, and Bayer). When most people think of Mexico, with it’s beautiful […]

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Many of you may or may not know that when I was just 15, I spent a year in Toluca, Mexico. It was a year full of excitement and new experiences, and memories that I treasure forever. I learned to dance cumbia, and make pig-head tacos. I even had my first kiss there (sorry Wes!). […]

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  • alicia - ah nina, how heart warming. i love finding out things about people, such as this. it’s really cool too, that you’re able to give your mexican family the gift of photos!

  • Katie - A beautiful and special story to go with the equally beautiful photographs 🙂