Nina Mullins »

We started a farm!

It’s true. I think we can officially say that we started a farm. Or perhaps we should call it a homestead? And maybe we are moving toward a farmstead? We’ll discuss the difference at a later time.

I don’t know why it didn’t happen sooner. You all know how much I love animals, and how I will knock on strangers’ doors and ask to visit their animals. My excuse has always been that we travel too much, and I can’t commit to animals I won’t be here for. But the last 15 months have taught me, more than ever, that nothing in life is guaranteed. And if the opportunity to travel opens back up for us, we’ll find a way to make it all work. For now, we have to live life, and live it to the fullest, so that’s what we are doing.

In July of last year, I felt these stirrings in my heart and mind saying it was time to take some steps forward toward building this homestead. I started looking at different kinds of livestock. I visited a farm with babydoll sheep and thought that’s what I wanted. I visited a farm with pigs and goats and thought maybe that would be the right fit. And then I came across mini donkeys. Hmmmm…what purpose do THEY serve? Well, in short, not a thing…except for some love and therapy, perhaps. And as I read more I found that mini donkeys are known to be loving and friendly companions on the farm, so that’s what I started looking for. I mean, therapy is what the world is in most need of right now, right?

On September 26th of 2020, Jack arrived. He’s a painted mini donkey full of spirit. Our friend even came and made a little movie of our first meeting (yes, I’m that donkey mom!).


Five days later, Joy arrived. And she was in heat. And for the first time in five days, we saw Jack go crazy. He fell hard for Joy. He was jumping up on the gate and we could barely get him out of the way to let her into the paddock. And once we got her in the gate…well…ummm…we had to complete the marriage ceremony fast (I mean…donkeys can get married, right?), because they consummated that marriage instantly. I’d post the video, but I don’t want to traumatize those of you with delicate constitutions…also, if you don’t know about the birds and the bees, I don’t want you to learn from the donkeys. I will say that our children were present for the special moment, and they laughed their little heads off. Ah, young donkey love.

Why the names, Jack and Joy, you may ask? Well, as some of you know, Wes and I are both lovers of all things C.S. Lewis. Lewis’s nickname was Jack, and his wife’s name was Joy. So, as the inaugural farm animals of this farm, they received the honor of being named after this amazing, historical couple.

The farm fun has only just begun. Stay tuned for our adventures as we learn and grow. We are completely clueless about homesteading, and we are learning as we go. Hopefully you can learn with us, and some of you will even teach us a few things!